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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Lesson #35 - What Is A Grace Empowered Life?

Grace empowered living relies on the overwhelming gift of God’s righteousness in our lives. The scripture tells us to not be “comformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds.” (Romans 12:2) As we discover the truth of what is already ours in Christ, we begin to experience the reality of His life in us. “It is no longer I but Christ that lives in us” (Galatians 2:20)
Pursuing Christ, knowing Him and what He has provided on the cross, opens our eyes and hearts to this free gift. The free gift of His righteousness not only cleanses us from all unrighteousness but provides a life that is powerful, intentional and productive!
Everything comes by revelation! What is revelation? It is “revealed” truth. It is truth that the Holy Spirit reveals to us regarding what God’s will is for our lives.
  1. It is truth internalized.
  2. It is truth that changes your perspective in every area of your life.
  3. It is truth that changes your expectations.
Revelation paints a picture of God’s reality in your heart to the degree that you become compelled to explore it’s hidden riches. It is when we see Him, it is when we know Him that He reveals His purposes for our lives. It is at that moment that we begin to experience a Grace Empowered Life!

Scott Johnson